Ethics Pledge for Boards & Commission Members
(Draft - personalize for your organization!)</b> <br></p>
<p>All board members and applicants shall agree to comply with the organization's ethics code and the ethical guidelines on conflicts adopted by the Board on______.</p>
<p>Members of the board shall not discuss, advocate, or vote on any matter in which they have a conflict of interest or an interest which reasonably might appear to be in conflict with the concept of fairness in dealing with public business. A conflict of interest or a potential conflict occurs if a member has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in any issue or transaction under consideration. Any member who violates this provision may be subject to removal from the board. </p>
<p>If the board member believes he/she has a conflict of interest then that member should ask the board to be recused from voting. The board should then vote on the question on whether or not to excuse the member making the request.</p>
<p>Any board member may seek the advice of General Counsel on questions regarding the interpretation of these ethics guidelines or other conflict of interest matters. The interpretation may include a recommendation on whether or not the board member should excuse himself/herself from voting. The board member may request this advice in writing.<br></p>