You need to be logged in to reach that page on our website
<a href="" title="New User Registration">
<img src="/files/RegisterHere.jpg" alt="PDF Format"></a>
<h1>We have made some changes to the way we secure our site.</h1><br>
<p>That's why you have arrived at this page, which in web server "speak" is called an "Error 403", and we need you to be logged in to get to the page you have selected. If you do not have a valid login to City Ethics, please got to the "<a href="">New User Registration page</a>" and follow the instructions.</p>
<h1>Here is the sequence:</h1>
<li>You fill in the form at the above link</li>
<li>We send you an email with a <b>temporary password</b> and a link to a secure page at</li>
<li>You go to your inbox and open the email we sent you, click on the link, and it will log you in. Note that the password that was allocated is a one-time password, and you will need to click on "EDIT" in the tabs across the top when you are in your profile, and type in your preferred password. It MUST be 6 characters long or greater to be accepted when you click "<b>Save</b>".</li>
<li>That's it! You are a registered user - you can now open all of our content! Enjoy, and please do send us feedback when you are able to use any of our content in your municipality.</li>
<h2>The email you receive will look like this: (the links are not real...)</h2><br>
<NewUserName>, Thank you for registering at You may now log in to using the following username and password: username: <NewUserName> password: vWTrd77K5e You may also log in by clicking on this link or copying and pasting it in your browser:
This is a one-time login, so it can be used only once. After logging in, you will be redirected to so you can change your password. -- team