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National League of Cities - RISC May 2007 Conference

<li>What safeguards can be put in place to protect the innocent ??</li>
<li>Disgruntled employees making false ethical allegations as retaliation to employer...</li>
<li>How do you build trust in order to institute ethical culture in our organization ?</li>
<li>What do you do when an arbitrator decides that ethical testing is not worthy to be a part of promotional training ?</li>
<li>Ethics begins with management</li>
<li>Those employing a management team should make sure they start with an ethical person </li>
<li>Review personnel handbook to idenbtify references to ethics</li>
<li>During regular department head metting review beliefs of ethics issues</li>
<li>appoint existing staff member to serve as ethics officer</li>
<li>Have HR add ethics issues to performance reviews</li>
<li>Review gifts policy</li>
<li>Need to create an ethics officer</li>
<li>Need to have ethics training twice a year</li>
<li>Training for employees beyond the director/official level - so that they understand the ethics code</li>
<li>Make sure all top officials are aware of ethics program</li>
<li>Make sure we have funding for ethics program</li>
<li>Make sure during exit interviews that ethics questions are asked</li>
<li>Have follow-up procedures on complaints</li>
<li>It is time to do an employee survey and include questions on the ethics policy.  This would be an opportunity to find out how we are doing with ethics but it can also be instructional</li>
<li>Form a focus group of elected officials, make an effort to work toward an ethics and a conflict statement as part of a values-based covernance system that everyone can have ownership in and that they
will sign on for.</li>
<li>Establish guidelines for employee expectations<br>
Provide training on the guidelines</li>
<li>Develop & implement "ethics training"</li>
<li>Select an "Ethics Officer"<br>
Establish a training budget</li>
<li>Include Ethics as a part of new employee orientation<br>
Include ethics scenarios in interviews for new hires and promotions</li>
<li>Develop training</li>
<li>Include vendors' code of ethics/expectations on contracts</li>
<li>Keep stats on internal & external complaints</li>
<li>Establish an outsourced process for ethics complaints</li>
<li>Based on complaints/findings stats provide assistance to departments in need</li>
<li>Do survey every 2-3 years</li>
<li>Start with simple/basic things - no rumour mills, reporting to work on time, accurate reports, relating to use of supplies, fair supervision, etc.<br>