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About City Ethics

<p>CITY ETHICS is a non-profit organization formed in 2000. Its purpose is to provide a centralized location for information and resources for all forms of local government ethics programs. City Ethics was started by attorney and former federal prosecutor Carla Miller and her husband, Don McClintock, who has a long career in the technology sector.<br />
The idea for City Ethics was "hatched" at the 2000 national conference of COGEL, the <b>Council on Governmental Ethics Laws</b>.
(See: <A href=""></A&gt;) It was felt that there was a real need to provide assistance to cities and counties that are trying to address ethical issues. Most could not afford to initially be members of COGEL, but needed assistance to get ethics programs up and running. Although many local governments that participate in City Ethics are members of COGEL, that is not a requirement. We wanted to create a free flow of information that would be the catalyst for the creation and improvement of local government ethic programs.<br>
Please help us by signing in as a member and by contributing your ideas as comments to our blog as well as in our <a href="">Forums,</a&gt; which are connected to the provisions of our <a href="">Model Code Project</a>.
<i>It is only with teamwork that we will be able to combat corruption and establish ethical local governments.</i></div> <br>
The City Ethics team follows (click the name for a brief <b>Bio</b>):
<li><a href="CarlaMiller"><b>Carla Miller</b></a><br />
City Ethics <i>Founder</i>, former Federal Prosecutor, ethics officer for the City of Jacksonville, Florida.</li>
<li><a href="DonMcClintock"><b>Don McClintock</b></a><br />
City Ethics <i>Vice President, Information Technology</i>, InfoSec Application Engineering.<br />
<a rel="me" href="">Don on Mastodon</a></li>