Miami/Dade Best Practices
<h3>Community Outreach: Public schools</h3>
<p><strong>Model Student Ethics Commission Program (MSECP)</strong></p>
<p>The program is designed to teach and to engage students in the policies and issues concerning ethics, good governance and accountability in the administration of government. Students will review case studies regarding ethical dilemmas, identify solutions to various ethical issues within the local to international arenas and participate in mock public hearings to discuss/debate public policy issues.</p>
<p>Additionally, these model commissions act as the forum to impart negotiation, mediation, conflict resolution and consensus building skills.
Ultimately, students are equipped with the capacity to recognize and to apply different approaches to ethical decision-making.</p>
<p>Briefly, the program is structured so that during each two-hour module, the class is organized as a mock ethics commission hearing. Students serve as ethics commissioners, staff counsel, requesters, and other interested parties as they review and present the ethical case studies and dilemmas.</p>
<h3>Training and Education:</h3>
<h4>BEAM: Business for Ethical & Accountable Management</h4>
<p><strong>The Ethics Commission's New Business Ethics Initiative</strong></p>
<p><strong>See:</strong> <a href="" title="Business Ethics Initiative"></a></p>
<p>The initiative, an ethics education and training program for companies doing business with local government, is designed to increase your company's understanding about best business practices and the ethics rules as they relate to contracting with local government. The program is interactive, engaging and comprehensive. Topics include: Conflicts of Interest, Lobbying, Procurement Matters, Best Business Practices and Ethical Decision-Making. </p>
<p>Beginning in September, the Ethics Commission will host these free monthly ethics workshops. Attendees will receive program materials and a certificate recognizing participation. Should the dates and times listed below be inconvenient, we would be happy to conduct these workshops at your place of business.</p>
<p>BEAM is another example of the Ethics Commission's dedication to maintaining awareness about the high ethical standards not only for those who work in government, but for those who do business with government. Ethical business management is effective business management.</p>
<h3>How To Run an Ethical Campaign</h3>
<p>These free workshops are held twice per year in collaboration with the State Attorney's Office, Chief of the Public Corruption Unit, and with the County's Supervisor of Elections. The program is designed for candidates for municipal office and covers such topics as:</p>
<ul type="disc">
<li>Reporting and filing requirements</li>
<li>The role of the Campaign Treasurer</li>
<li>The Ethical Campaign Practices Ordinance</li>
<h3>City Attorney Roundtable</h3>
<p>Quarterly, the legal staff of the Ethics Commission hosts a roundtable lunch with municipal attorneys to review the Code of Ethics and its application in the 32 municipalities. In addition, the attorneys are provided updates on recent interpretations and enforcement decisions.<br />
The discussion is focused on a subject area or provision within the Code of Ethics, and its policy considerations and effects upon the administration
of government. </p>