<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oakland%2C_California" target="_blank">Wikipedia Page: Oakland, CA</a>
<h2>Public Ethics Commission</h2>
<p>The City of Oakland Public Ethics Commission was established in November, 1996.</p>
<p>The mission of the Public Ethics Commission is to promote the highest confidence in
the ethics of the government of the City of Oakland. We help ensure that government
works the way it's supposed to -- that its people are treated fairly, with honesty and integrity.
We do this by:</p>
<li>Informing people about their rights to obtain information about Oakland City government;</li>
<li>Creating easier access to information and meetings of public bodies in the City;</li>
<li>Educating City officials, employees, Board and Commission members, and candidates for elected office about ethics laws;</li>
<li>Investigating complaints about possible violations of ethics laws; </li>
<li>Recommending changes in laws to promote ethical government; and </li>
<li>Setting the standard, by example, for ethical conduct.</li>
<h4>To Contact the Commission:</h4>
<b>Telephone: </b>(510) 238-3593<br>
<b>Website:</b> <a href="https://www.oaklandca.gov/boards-commissions/public-ethics-commission&q…; target="_blank">https://www.oaklandca.gov/boards-commissions/public-ethics-commission</…;