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Best Practice #1

<br><p>Cities across the United States are creating and expanding Ethics Commissions, Ethics Offices and Inspector Generals in order to fight corruption and establish higher ethical standards for their governments. <br> <br> I will be posting some of the best ideas from these programs on this site. <br> <br> If you have comments on what is written, good, bad or just a stray idea, please comment! <br> <br> <br> <b>Carla Miller, president, City Ethics.</b></p><br><br><br><br>

<p class="notice">The first BEST PRACTICE entry is "Ethics Program Essentials".
These are key points to consider when starting an ethics program. <a href="">Click HERE to view the full Ethics Essentials overview</a>.</p>
<h1>Ethics Program Essentials</h1>
<li class="check">Ethics Code</li>
<li class="check">Training</li>
<li class="check">Advice </li>
<li class="check">Financial Disclosure</li>
<li class="check">Independent Ethics Commission</li>
<li class="check">Ethics Officer</li>
<li class="check">Transparency</li>
<li class="check">Campaign Financing, Elections</li>
<li class="check">Hot Lines and Whistle-Blower Protection</li>
<li class="check">Values-Based Program</li>

<h1>10 problem areas</h1>
(<i>From the Josephson Institute</i>)</p>
<li class="check">Gifts/Golf/Sports Events/Freebies</li>
<li class="check">Special Loans/Deals</li>
<li class="check">Consulting Fees</li>
<li class="check">Government Contracts</li>
<li class="check">Honoraria and Speaking Fees</li>
<li class="check">Using Government Resources (Internet; Cars)</li>
<li class="check">Hiring Relatives</li>
<li class="check">Leaving Government (who do you work for?)</li>
<li class="check">Political Intervention</li>
<li class="check">Whistle-Blowing/Retaliation</li>