A Council Candidate Says the Right Things About Ethics and Transparency
<a href="http://www.ci.san-marcos.tx.us/index.html">San Marcos</a> (TX)
Council candidate Toby Hooper, in his first public statement as a candidate, said some of the right things about ethics:<br>
On the role of an ethics
commission (he's a member of the city's ethics review commission):<br>
“I would like city leaders and
staff to be able to approach the commission about concerns before they
become a problem instead of only dealing with the result in a
complaint. For example, before a project or initiative is to begin,
staff could meet with the commission and the city attorney to make a
review for any conflicts of interest or potential ethics violations,
this shift could avoid angry citizen meetings and potential litigation.”<br>
On the importance of government
“When a citizenry believes that
they know what is happening in government they begin to trust
government, and when they believe they are being heard and realize they
have a measure of control they understand that they are the government.”<br>
From <a href="http://smmercury.com/archives/13915">an article in
yesterday's San Marcos <i>Mercury</i></a>.<br>
Robert Wechsler<br>
Director of Research-Retired, City Ethics<br>