Quote of the Day - Soft Money
<h4>Old soft money was associated with <i>access</i>, like a wad of
cash that you’d slip to a nightclub bouncer to get in the
door. The new soft money is more like a bulge in one’s jacket
pocket, an implied <em>threat</em> against those who refuse to
—Dan Tokaji and Renata Strause in <a href="http://electionlawblog.org/?p=62486" target="”_blank”">an Election Law Blog
post yesterday</a> that summarizes their new report, "<a href="http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/thenewsoftmoney/" target="”_blank”">The New Soft
Money</a>." This shows how important it is for mayoral candidates to agree to a People's Pledge in order to prevent this sort of threat from those engaged in independent spending (see <a href="http://www.cityethics.org/content/peoples-pledge-mayoral-races" target="”_blank”">my blog post on this)</a><br>