Quotes of the Day
<b>"Really they are just trying to exercise their First Amendment rights."</b><br>
John LaRue, counsel to individuals and entities contending that San
Diego's campaign finance laws restrict their free speech rights under
the First Amendment (see my <a href="http://www.cityethics.org/content/important-local-campaign-finance-deci…; target="”_blank”">recent
blog post</a> on the case)<br>
<b>"We asked [our clients to agree not to speak publicly about the case]
so there could be one unified voice coming out about the lawsuit.”</b><br>
John La Rue (this agreement was a condition of having LaRue's firm
represent them)<br>
The irony of these conflicting positions was noted by Rick Hasen
in his <a href="http://electionlawblog.org/archives/015316.html" target="”_blank”">Election
Law Blog</a>.<br>