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Online Ethics Training and Information Materials

<b>Online Training List Updated May 24, 2013</b><br>
More and more government ethics information and training materials are
available online, so that they can be easily accessed at any time.
Everything from FAQs to information sheets to plain-English guides to
quizzes to videos.<br>
These materials are not only useful to the local government employees
and officials they are intended for. They are also useful to those in
other local governments who have to draft such materials and create
training programs. These materials show both good and bad ways to
approach educating employees, officials, candidates, contractors,
lobbyists, and the public.<br>

There's no reason to recreate the wheel each time a local government
ethics commission, with a small or non-existent budget, needs to put
together training materials. Toward that end, I have put together a
listing, with links, of what you can find on a number of local
government ethics sites, as well as on the sites of state ethics
commissions with jurisdiction over local officials. I am not
recommending any particular materials, just listing what is available.<br>
Please let me know of any useful materials you know of that are not on
this list. I would like to expand and annotate the list, so that it
becomes an increasingly useful resource for local governments getting
started with or improving their ethics programs.<br>
The list is attached below, in PDF format. There are additions since 2009, including new cities and counties but, sadly, no new trends or very substantial changes.<br>
Robert Wechsler<br>
Director of Research-Retired, City Ethics<br>