Now Available! An Introduction to Local Government Ethics
More and more each year, the City Ethics website has been the go-to
place for local government ethics information. First a blog, then a
Model Ethics Code, and then a huge resource book. Thousands of pages of
useful information. What more could anyone ask for?<br>
How about clearing away some of the debris? In other words, a short
introduction to local government ethics. An explanation of what it
is and what it isn't. A summary of the basic concepts. A description
of the key elements of a local government ethics program.<br>
So that's what I've produced. With <a href="" target="”_blank”"><i>Local Government Ethics Program in a
Nutshell</i>,</a> you can take a quick stroll down the Main
Street of local government ethics. It's only 27 pages (29 on the
page-numbered PDF), and it's intended for someone who knows little
or nothing about the topic.<br>
Just like its big brother, <i>Nutshell</i>
is available free in four digital formats, for reading online or
downloading onto your favorite contraption.<br>
So <a href="" target="”_blank”">click
here</a>, and take a look. And pass the word to everyone you know
who might be interested, including local government officials and
employees, government
attorneys, public administration students (and
journalists, ethics commission members, and ethics reformers. This is the quickest,
easiest way for them to understand what local government ethics is
all about.<br>
Robert Wechsler<br>
Director of Research-Retired, City Ethics<br>