Quote of the Day
<h4>“We have a system that only catches morons.”</h4><br>
—Unnamed New York state legislator and ethics reformer, <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/06/opinion/collins-a-new-era-in-politica…; target="”_blank”">quoted
in Gail Collins' New York <i>Times</i> column today</a>.
The "system" being referred to is our criminal justice system, which is only able to
prosecute government officials who take bribes from strangers (see <a href="http://www.cityethics.org/search/node/%22new%20york%22%20state%20discre…; target="”_blank”">my recent posts on New York arrests</a>). Is
this why most officials seem to prefer to let government ethics be dealt
with by the criminal justice system?<br>