Formerly Known as Lobbyists . . .
According to <a href="" target="”_blank”">a
press release from the American League of Lobbyists</a>, the
association that lobbies for lobbyists, the membership has voted to
change its name and "brand" to the Association of Government
Relations Professionals.<br>
It's good that lobbyists do not run election campaigns, because
their branding is pretty blind. The acronym for their new name is
going to be, whatever they may say, AGRIP, as in "a grip on the
necks of elected officials." Couldn't they have seen this coming?<br>
commentor on <a href="…; target="”_blank”"></a>,
Sullivanst, appears to be the first to have seen this:<blockquote>
It will not be pronounced "A Grope", it will be pronounced "A Grip",
as in "we will continue to exert A Grip on the legislative process."</blockquote>
When an acronym was discussed, the historically-minded lobbyists in
the association most likely had in mind Agrippa (64-12 B.C.), a
Roman general who not only spent fabulously on wars, but also spent
fabulously on infrastructure investments and spectacles, all of
which spending required the intervention of numerous individuals now formerly
known as lobbyists.<br>
Robert Wechsler<br>
Director of Research-Retired, City Ethics<br>