Dissatisfaction with Government - The New Gallup Poll
We have something more than a credit crisis. We have a governance crisis.
According to the new <a href="http://www.gallup.com/poll/110458/Trust-Government-Remains-Low.aspx">Ga… Governance poll</a>, only 26% of Americans are satisfied with the way this nation is being governed.
In 2002, the number was 59%. As recently as early 2007, the number was 42%. This is a bigger drop than the stockmarket. Perhaps our nation belongs in moral bankruptcy court.
The last time 74% of Americans were dissatisfied with their government was after Watergate. The response was a host of government laws at the federal level, although this movement only lightly filtered down to local governments.
The figure <a href="http://www.gallup.com/video/110461/Americans-Trust-Local-Govt-Much-More… local government</a> is far better: 72% of Americans are satisfied with their local government. And 67% are satisfied with their state government. That’s not a crisis, but perhaps the reason is that most people, due to their ingestion of national TV news, pay far less attention to state and local government.
Robert Wechsler<br>
Director of Research-Retired, City Ethics<br>