The Mother of All Ethical Hiring Questionnaires
One of the most important elements of any government ethics program
is ethical hiring. Ethical hiring lowers the possibility of hiring people
with serious conflicts of interest not only by being careful about the
selection process, but also by sending a clear message that conflicts
are serious business and must be disclosed even before an official is hired. Unethical people will find the hiring process, and the thought of working for people who would put them through it, unacceptable and will not
The coming Obama White House has taken ethical hiring to a new level, at least
if its <a href="…; target="”_blank”">job
applicants' questionnaire</a> is a true indication of hiring practices.<br>
This questionnaire makes applying for college seem like a piece of cake. If you
have been a lobbyist or worked for a government contractor, you will
spend a great deal of time filling out this questionnaire. The
questionnaire is also designed to get other skeletons out of the closet.<br>
This is extreme hiring, but ethical local government leaders will find
a lot of ideas in this questionnare, not to mention the idea of having
such a questionnaire in the first place. Filling out such a
questionnaire is itself an excellent ethcs training exercise. Add in
further ethics training, the rewarding of ethical conduct, and good
leadership role models, and a local government will hardly need an
ethics code at all.<br>
If you know of any local government hiring questionnaires, please send
them on to me for posting.<br>
Robert Wechsler<br>
Director of Research-Retired, City Ethics<br>