Illinois Ethics Reform Poll and Blagojevich News
Blago watchers will be interested in the news in <a href=",0,8750…
Chicago <i>Tribune</i></a> about his former chief of staff and campaign
manager pleading guilty and providing detailed testimony about the
schemes of Blagojevich and three of his friends to make money off
Blago's position, "such as through operating businesses that would get
state money or receiving fees from people who did business with the
But more interesting to government ethics watchers are the results of a
<a href="…
</a>of Illinois citizens done by the Paul Simon Institute (see the full
results in the attachment below).<br>
Support for political and ethics
reforms starts at 78% (with 8% don't know) for legislative leader term
limits and drops slowly to just under 50% for public campaign
financing. Here are the other reforms in order of preference:<br>
<ul>Recall any time<br>
Limits on in-kind contributions<br>
Contribution limits equal to federal numbers<br>
Limit party leader redistribution of campaign money<br>
Prohibit contributions from companies doing business with the state<br>