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Book Reviews

Carlos Fuentes on Government Ethics

The great Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes' 2006 novel, <a href="…; target="”_blank”"><i>The Eagle's
Throne,</i></a> translated from the Spanish by Kristina Cordero, is one of
the best political novels I've ever read. I highly recommend it. The
novel also happens to contain some great quotes that touch on

Václav Havel on Government Ethics

To commemorate the death of Václav Havel, here are some
quotations from his work that are relevant to government ethics:<br>
"The prerequisite for everything political is moral. Politics really
should be ethics put into practice."<br>
“Even a purely moral act that has no hope of any immediate and
visible political effect can gradually and indirectly, over time,
gain in political significance.” <br>
Living in the Truth:  "A person who has been seduced by the

Henry Adams on Government Ethics

Henry Adams' 1880 novel <i>Democracy</i> is a must-read for those
interested in government ethics. It's also a first-rate novel, full
of wit, excellent writing, and a good portrayal of post-Civil War
Washington. <a href="; target="”_blank”">It's
available free from Project Gutenberg</a>, in six e-book formats.<br>