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A New Idea: Lifestyle Audits

Have you ever wondered how a local government department head can
afford to live like a king on a $100,000 salary?<br>
This is what people are wondering in South Africa, where union leaders are
calling for "lifestyle audits" of all senior government officials in
order to find out who is on the take, according to <a href="">an


It Should Come As No Surprise When Government Counsel Advises the Individual (Joseph Bruno) Rather Than the Office

<b>Update:</b> November 20, 2009 (see below)<br>
The latest news from the federal trial of former New York state senate
majority leader Joseph Bruno's is sadly not surprising. According to an
<a href="…; target="”_blank”">Associated
Press article</a> yesterday, former senate legal counsel told Bruno to


A Very Short Rant on Financial Disclosure and Ethics Self-Regulation

It's always nice to see politicians provide evidence for the argument
that ethics self-regulation doesn't work, but it's rare for it to
happen in so public a way as occurred yesterday. According to <a href="">an
article in Roll Call</a>, Rep. John Carter (R-TX), "the point man for
Republicans seeking to strip Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangel


Michigan Disclosure Proposal Doesn't Go Very Far, Locally Speaking

According to <a href="…; target="”_blank”">an
article in the Detroit <i>Free Press</i></a>, Michigan's Attorney General is
seeking stronger financial and gift disclosure requirements for state
officials, and he wants these requirements to apply to local officials,


Valuing Gifts, and Courtesies to an Office

<b>Update below</b> (Aug. 20, 2009)<br>
Is the value of a gift given to a government official its fair market
value or what the official gets out of it? For example, if you give an
official a sportscar worth $40,000 and he only drives it ten times a
year, is its value $40,000 or the cost of renting a car ten times a
year? If you give an official a ticket to a football game and she leaves
after the first half, is the value half the ticket or its full price?<br>


Putting Financial Disclosure Information Online

Thanks to <a href="…; target="”_blank”">Texas
Watchdog</a>, "an independent, nonpartisan entity [that] serves as a
government watchdog and training center
where reporters, bloggers and activists of any stripe learn how to
uncover waste, fraud and corruption in state and local governments,"


Municipal Ethics Task Force in CT Bows to Town Officials

Recently, the Connecticut Task Force on Municipal Ethics discussed <a href="…; target="”_blank”">a
draft report</a>. Neither in the report, nor in <a href="; target="”_blank”">the
