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First vs. Second Amendment Controversy in Kansas

A dispute in Kansas raises the question:  which takes
precedence, the First Amendment (free speech) or the Second
On July 1, 2013, <a href="…; target="”_blank”">a
Kansas state law</a> became effective that prohibited the use of
state funds to pay for promotion or lobbying on gun control


Winter Reading: The Ethics of Lobbying

In preparation for the chapter on lobbying that I'm working on, I
just finished reading a 2002 book entitled <a href="; target="”_blank”"><i>The Ethics of
Lobbying</i></a> from the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown
University (Georgetown UP). It's an excellent introduction to a
number of issues involved in lobbying of the federal government,


Formerly Known as Lobbyists . . .

According to <a href="; target="”_blank”">a
press release from the American League of Lobbyists</a>, the
association that lobbies for lobbyists, the membership has voted to
change its name and "brand" to the Association of Government
Relations Professionals.<br>
It's good that lobbyists do not run election campaigns, because


New Lobbying Regulation Report

A report worth reading was recently published by the OECD: <a href="$FI…; target="”_blank”">Self-Regulation
and Regulation of the Lobbying Profession</a>. Its focus on European
countries provides a valuable complement to American lobbying
regulation. Below is a condensed version of the report's executive
