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The Chick-fil-A Controversy Is Really a Government Ethics Issue

If you read the newspapers and blogs, the big issues in the
Chicago Chick-fil-A controversy are free speech and government
boycotts. But it's really a government ethics issue.<br>
All rational voices acknowledge that a local legislator should not
block a store opening just because it has given large sums to help
an unpopular political cause. What they aren't saying is that a
local legislator shouldn't be able to block a store opening in his

Council Recall Election Funded by Contractors Past and Present

Talk about independent expenditures usually refers to such
expenditures in support, or more often in opposition to, federal
candidates. At the local level, the major independent expenditures
tend to come from unions, both public service unions and
construction unions. There are also cases where independent
expenditures come from contractors and others seeking direct benefits from
the candidates they support or oppose. This can look very much like
a payoff for favors done and/or for future favors, generally referred to as pay to play.<br>

An EC Member Who Sues Her City Government

<a href="…; target="”_blank”">I've
written recently about</a> the propriety of the new chair of D.C.'s ethics
commission practicing in matters that involve the city government.
In that case, there was an appearance, based on the chair's own
website, that he was seeking benefits for his clients from the council and certain

An Example of Backsliding

It is common for councils to engage in backsliding shortly after
creating or improving a government ethics program. When there has been a
scandal, councils often go further than they would like to go in
establishing ethics rules and procedures. When attention to ethics
matters has lessened, it often seems to be a good time to make the
program more what council members would like, and this almost always
means two things:  (1) making it easier for them to accept
gifts and (2) making it harder for citizens to file ethics

Knowledge, Fear of Retaliation, and Ethics Commission Selection Issues in D.C.

According to <a href="…; target="”_blank”">an
article in yesterday's Washington <i>Post</i></a>, new allegations have
been made of a "shadow campaign" by which the District of Columbia's
largest contractor (in contract dollars) supported the current mayor's 2010 campaign to

An Interesting Agency Independence from Ethics Enforcement Issue in Broward County

I've written about the issue of <a href="…; target="”_blank”">ethics
commission jurisdiction over independent agencies</a> and
authorities, which arose in recent years in such places as
Jacksonville, Louisville, and Palm Beach and Broward counties in
Florida. The issue has arisen again in Broward County, in a