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City Related

Political Money Laundering

What is the worst local campaign finance violation? According to <a href="; target="”_blank”">an article yesterday
from the Los Angeles <i>Daily News</i></a>, it appears to be political money
laundering. Mark Abrams, a former Beverly Hills developer, was fined
$108,000 yesterday, and $270,000 for similar violations back in 2005.<br>

Palm Beach Council Sneakily Opposes County Ethics Reform

According to <a href="…; target="”_blank”">an
article in the Palm Beach <i>Daily News</i></a>, Florida law "forbids
government bodies from advocating for voters to vote yes or no in a
referendum election, and from spending funds to advertise for that

The Vicious Circle of Fear and Indifference

Citizen indifference and lack of participation is the most damaging result of a
lack of trust in government officials. One reason is that a vicious
circle is created. When government officials are untrustworthy, and
especially when they use intimidation to create the sort of fear that
severely cuts into citizen participation, there are fewer people to
watch over them on behalf of the public. This makes government
officials feel more fearless and act more self-serving and more openly
intimidating. And so on.<br>

Learning and Forming a Local Government's Unethical Environment

I chose to specialize in local government ethics because this is where
it all starts. This is where the individuals who become our
representatives experience their first unethical environment, become
team players, learn the rules of the game, and begin to feel a special
One good thing about election time is that we sometimes get the back stories of
individuals running for higher office. We get to see how they started. One such individual is Carl

Moonlighting for a Vendor and Donations of Sick Time from Subordinates

There's a lot to learn from the chief of New Orleans' emergency medical
service's past conflicts of interest, which have only recently become
public. Despite the compassion one must feel for the official, the
conflicts were poorly handled by her and by the former mayor and his administration.<br>
According to <a href="; target="”_blank”">an

A Local Legislative Body's Duty to Investigate When Legislative Activities Are Involved

I've written several blog posts about the criminal trials of a
council member and the former Baltimore mayor, focusing on their
successful legislative immunity defenses (<a href="">1</a&gt; <a href="…;

A Stamford Ethics Controversy Involving Time Limits, Enforcement of Policy Declarations, and More

<b>Update:</b> October 8, 2010 (see below)<br>
There's a fascinating ethics controversy going on in Stamford, CT which
raises a number of issues involving time limits, the enforcement of declarations of policy, intimidation, and the roles of ethics commissions and inspectors general.<br>