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City Related

Quote of the Day

<h4>"None of the unions ever asked me for a quid pro quo. They, like
anyone else who is giving, they just want to know their points get
heard. They are not asking that you agree with it. They have said,
‘We don’t expect you to agree on everything. We understand it is a
—Toni Harp, candidate for mayor of New Haven, CT, on the $48,000 she
and the alderpersons effectively on her ticket were given by labor

Local Public Financing Programs Make Elections More Local

When people write about public campaign financing programs, they
tend to focus on participation percentages and the size of the
campaign contributions. But what is most interesting about <a href="…; target="”_blank”">the
analysis done by the New Haven Independent</a> of campaign
contributions given to mayoral candidates participating and not

An Advisory Opinion Concerning Constituent Services

On August 29, the D.C. Board of Ethics and Government Accountability
issued an advisory opinion on the important and far too overlooked
topic of constituent services (attached; see below). The issuing of
advisory opinions that cover more than a very specific set of facts,
what I call "general advisory opinions," is itself very valuable (see