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Ethics Education

This is the place to provide opinions and recommendations regarding ethics education. Please suggest alternative language to what is below, and please share your experiences with ethics education, and how such experiences can be included in an ethics code, as well as other means to ensure that effective ethics training is provided. Other issues to discuss include who should receive ethics education, who should provide or be reponsible for the provision of ethics education, and how this education should be funded. Please share your experiences with training each of these groups, especially the ones that are often ignored, as well as experiences with problems in funding ethics education (and how people have succeeded in getting such funding).

<h2>211. Training and Education.</h2>
The Ethics Commission (1) will, within one year after its passage, make this code, and explanations of its provisions (including information on how to fill out all forms and statements), available (including, but not limited to, on the city website) to all officials and employees, candidates and consultants*, and to municipal residents and to all persons doing business or interested in doing business with the city, and (2) will develop educational materials and a required educational program for the officials and employees of the city, and those who do business with the city, regarding the provisions of this code. The educational program must begin within eighteen months after this code goes into effect. In addition, the Ethics Commission will hold an annual workshop for new and old officials and employees to discuss this code, its values and goals, its enforcement, and the ways in which it has affected their work and the working of the city government.
