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Miscellaneous Provisions

This is the place to comment on the Model Code's miscellaneous provisions, and to suggest different language as well as additional provisions.

<h2>218. Miscellaneous Provisions.</h2>
1. No existing right or remedy may be lost, impaired, or affected by reason of this code.

2. Nothing in this code may be deemed to bar or prevent a present or former city official or employee* from timely filing any claim, account, demand, or suit against the city on behalf of himself or herself or any member of his or her family arising out of personal injury or property damage or any lawful benefit authorized or permitted by law.

3. Any law of any sort - local, state, or federal - that requires a higher, greater, more exacting, or more restrictive standard of conduct than is provided in this code prevails over the provisions of this code and continues in full force and effect with respect to those covered by this code.

<h2>219. Distribution and Posting.</h2>
1. Within ninety days after the effective date of this section, and thereafter as appropriate, the Ethics Commission will transmit to the [chief executive official] of the city, in a form suitable for posting, those provisions of this code which the Ethics Commission deems necessary for posting. Within thirty days after receipt of those copies, the [chief executive official] must cause the copies of these provisions to be posted conspicuously in every public building under the city's jurisdiction.

2. Within ninety days after the effective date of this section, and thereafter as appropriate, the Ethics Commission will transmit to the [chief executive official] of the city, in a form suitable for distribution, a copy of this code. Within thirty days after receipt of this copy, the [chief executive official] must cause the copies to be distributed to every official and employee, to every contractor with the city, and to all city consultants*, and must make the code readily available to the public by placing a copy on the city website and copies in the city libraries and the office of the City Clerk.

3. Every official or employee* elected or appointed thereafter must be furnished a copy of this code within ten days after entering upon the duties of his or her position. Each official employee, present and future, must within thirty days of receipt sign a statement that he or she has read and understood the code's provisions, and must file that statement with the Ethics Commission. In addition, such a statement should be signed and filed with the Ethics Commission every year on January 31 or, if filing an annual disclosure statement, accompanying that statement.

4. Failure of the city to comply with the provisions of this section or failure of any official or employee* to receive a copy of the provisions of this code shall have no effect on the duty of compliance with this code or on the enforcement of its provisions.

<h2>220 Liberal Construction of Code.</h2>

The provisions of this Code are to be construed liberally, to the end that the public interest be fully protected, and they are to be construed in a manner consistent with all applicable federal and state laws and applicable provisions of the City Charter.

<h2>221 Severability.</h2>
If any provision of this Code is held by any court, or by any federal or state agency of competent jurisdiction, to be invalid as conflicting with any federal, state, or City Charter provision, or is held by such court or agency to be modified in order to conform to the requirements of such provision, the conflicting provision of this Code is to be considered a separate, independent part of this Code, and such holding shall not affect the validity or enforceability of this Code as a whole or any part other than the part declared to be invalid.

<h2>222. Effective Date.</h2>
This law will take effect immediately upon filing in the office of the Secretary of State and in compliance with all applicable provisions of law.
