Meeting Attendance
Many officials face a conflict every evening they have a meeting scheduled: between their obligation to attend a meeting of a board they sit on and their desire to do one of a number of different things. Many officials choose something else often enough that it has an effect on the board's effectiveness.
Please share your thoughts about this provision, and your experiences with problems involving meeting attendance and various attempts to deal with these problems.
<h3><a name="TOC51"> 100(20). Meeting Attendance </a></h3>
All members of boards and commissions are expected to attend and be prepared for meetings. It is a violation of this code to miss or come unprepared to more than a third of a board or commission's meetings in a twelve-month period.
<p> <i>Comment: If a member must miss or come unprepared for more than a small number of meetings, he or she should resign, whether or not his or her reasons are good ones. One can always ask to return to a position when one's health or schedule have improved.</i>
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