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Blaming Those Who Call for Ethical Conduct - Quote of the Day

Connecticut House Speaker James A. Amann has been receiving a great deal of criticism for asking lobbyists for contributions to the charity he works for as a paid fundraiser (including criticism from me: see <a href=""&gt; my blog entry on fundraising problems</a>). He has insisted that his solicitations are legal, and they probably are, since it cannot be proven that he directly received part of the money contributed (however, he did receive $67,500 last year for raising $200,000 for the Connecticut branch of the Multiple Sclerosis Society, a job he was offered only after becoming House Speaker).

Amann has announced that he will no longer solicit lobbyists, because, and here comes the quote, of the 'unfair extra stress that has been placed on the families and victims suffering from this horrible disease.'

Amann went on to say that his wife 'thinks this is a bunch of baloney, and you know what? I agree with my wife.'

So next time you criticize a politician's ethics, cut the baloney and be considerate of anyone who might have benefited from the unethical conduct.