Local Government Ethics Audioconference
The International City/County Management Association (the city, county,
and town manager professional organization) is holding <a href="http://icma.org/main/ca.asp?caid=585&hsid=1" target="”_blank”">a 90-minute
audioconference</a> on local government ethics on January 29. I do not
know the details of the program, and I am not endorsing it, but it
sounds like a very inexpensive way for local government managers and
employees to share a professional presentation on local government
ethics. The cost is $149 for members and $199 for non-members, but a
room of people can listen in on a speakerphone or sound system for the
price of one.<br>
The case studies used will be emailed in advance, so that participants
can be prepared. And these case studies can be discussed afterwards, as
well. For more information, click <a href="http://icma.org/main/ca.asp?caid=585&hsid=1" target="”_blank”">here</a>.<br>