A New, Improved Local Government Ethics Treasure Trove
What could provide a better education for local government ethics
practitioners than reading through a greatly expanded <a href="http://www.nyc.gov/html/conflicts/downloads/pdf2/enf%20docs/Enforcement…; target="”_blank”">261-page list of all the cases the New York City
Conflicts of Interest Board has decided or settled from 1992 through last week</a>? The
ethics provisions may not be the same as everywhere, but the problems
usually are.<br>
The summaries are organized by topic, but there's no table of contents.
So here goes:<br>
Moonlighting with a Firm Engaged in City Business Dealings
Ownership Interest in a Firm Engaged in City Business Dealings
Volunteering for a Not-for-Profit with City Business Dealings 24-26<br>
Misuse of City Time & Resources 26-48<br>
Gifts 27-94<br>
Aiding or Inducing a Violation 95-100<br>
Misuse of City Position 101-177<br>
Use or Disclosure of Confidential Information 178-196<br>
Gifts 197-201<br>
Appearance Before the City on Behalf of Private Interest
Appearance as an Attorney in Litigation Against the City 214<br>
Soliciting Political Activities 215-216<br>
Soliciting Political Contributions 217<br>
Political Fundraising by High-Level City Officials 218<br>
Accepting Compensation for City Job from a Source Other Than the
City 219-223<br>
Superior-Subordinate Financial Relationships 224-246<br>
Job-Seeking Violations 247-249<br>
Post-Employment Violations 250-261<br>