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Illinois Reform Commission Report Is Out

Most of the <a href="…; target="”_blank”">Illinois
Reform Commission's report</a>, which was published yesterday, has
little to do with local government ethics, but there is enough overlap
to make it worth skimming through. The IRC was charged with recommending changes in the state's ethics and campaign finance programs.<br>
Of special interest is the section
entitled Inspiring Better Government (p. 73 of report, p. 79 of PDF
file), including the idea of a patronage monitor and a proposal to
prevent state workers from making campaign contributions to statewide
candidates (pp 78-79, PDF pp. 84-85).<br>
For a quick summary of the report's recommendations, see this <a href=",0…; target="”_blank”">Chicago
<span>Tribune </span>article</a>.<br>