Municipal Bond Policy Proposals in Tennessee
Last month, <a href="" target="”_blank”">I wrote</a>
about problems involving municipal bond sales and advice in Tennessee.
Yesterday, the state comptroller wrote <a href="…; target="”_blank”">a guest column</a> explaining what
went wrong with municipal bonds and suggesting some of what he will
propose today to prevent such problems in the future.<br>
According to <a href="" target="”_blank”">an article
in today's New York </a><span><a href="" target="”_blank”">Times</a>,</span>
the comptroller is proposing to prohibit towns and counties from using
sophisticated derivatives, and will allow only highly sophisticated
officials to assess bond derivative transactions. He will also propose
more disclosure of fees associated with bond transactions, and a rule
that will allow any firm to play only one role in any transaction,
whether it be sales, financial advice, underwriting, or lawyering.<br>
These proposals will be presented today to the State Funding Board.<br>