Quote of the Day
<span class="vitstorybody"><span class="vitstorybody"><big> I don’t
what state you are talking about, you are always going to have one or
two people who are going to do the wrong thing. That’s human life. But
the bottom line is: I can tell you that my members who are in the House
of Representatives are here for the right reason, and I am just a
little cautious to make a regulation for one person.</big><br>
Reaction of Rhode Island House Speaker William J. Murphy to Gov.
Carcieri's suggestion that the state legislature place a constitutional
amendment on the 2010 ballot, giving the public a chance to give the state ethics commission full jurisdiction over state legislators, despite the Speech in Debate
Clause (see <a href="http://www.cityethics.org/node/792" target="”_blank”">yesterday's blog post</a>). Rhode Island has a
long history of so many bad apples, they changed the metaphor to
a local fruit: the cranberry bog. The House Speaker doesn't
appear to have kept up. From <a href="http://www.projo.com/news/content/ethics_reaction_07-01-09_LTETDO4_v12…
Providence <span target="”_blank”">Journal</span></a><br>