Quotes of the Day
<big>"Even the baby Jesus accepted gifts, and I don't think it corrupted
him." and "The taking of gifts does not corrupt a person. It's when
you're taking those gifts for personal gain that they corrupt you."</big><br>
—Former North Carolina state representative Drew Saunders. These words
were spoken back in 2006, but they're far too good to reject on account
of age. What's especially interesting is the context in which the first
statement was made: Saunders was pushing for an amendment to a
new ethics law that required a one-year cooling-off period for former
legislators before they became lobbyists. Saunders' amendment, cutting
the time to six months, succeeded, and when he lost a primary in 2008,
he resigned his position and, six months later, became a lobbyist. Or,
should I say, became one of the state's "wise men"? I found these
quotations in the <a href="http://projects.newsobserver.com/tags/drew_saunders" target="”_blank”"><span>News & Observer</span></a> and <a href="http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/1056765/" target="”_blank”">wral.com</a>.<br>