Success Stories
<p><a href="files/2006-06-21-Ethics Camp-NY Times Article.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> New York Times Article: "<em>At Ethics Camp, Not-So-Tall Tales From the Dark Side</em>"</a></p>
<p><a href="files/2006-06-21-Ethics Camp-Christian Science Monitor Article.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> Christian Science Monitor Article "<em>Boot camp for city officials teaches 'a culture of ethics'</em>" </a></p>
<p><a href="files/2006-05-26-Letter from Providence RI Council President.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> Providence RI-Letter from Providence City Council President</a><br />
"<em>I am sure you already know what a gem you have in Ms. Miller, but I wanted to share with you our experience, which went above and beyond all expectations.</em>"</p>
<p><a href="files/2006-05-19-Providence RI.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> Article - Providence Journal, RI; "<em>Creating ethics code takes time, expert says</em>"</a></p>
<p><a href="files/2006-05-08-Letter from ASPA President.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> ASPA Seminar-Clearwater FL</a><br />
"<em>It was great seeing you at the Florida ASPA conference. Thanks so very, very much for participating and enabling the conference to be the success that it was. It is the contributions that professionals like yourself make to advance ethics and professionalism in governance that make me proud to be a member of ASPA--and I hope you feel the same way.<br />
<strong>Donald C. Menzel, Ph.D.<br />
President, American Society for Public Administration</strong></em>"</p>
<p><a href="files/2005-11-15-IndianaSymposiumOverview.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> Indiana University Law & State Government Fellowship Symposium</a></p>
<p><a href="files/2005-11-15-IndianaSymposiumLetter.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> Indiana University-Letter from Cynthia A Baker</a><br />
"<em>Dear Carla, Thank you very much for your presentation for the afternoon panel discussion at the 2005 Program on Law and State Government Fellowship Symposium. Your important and interesting remarks contributed to what was a successful day of learning and discussion about integrity in public service. I think that your experience as well as research really helped the participants of this event to better understand the problems associated with ethics in government. I especially enjoyed your personal experience in ethics prosecutions as well as the “ethics elephant”.</em>"</p>
<p><a href="files/2005-09-29-Email-Charles Zech-IMLA Mid Year Seminar.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> Email-Charles Zech-IMLA Mid Year Seminar</a><br />
"<em>Great job!! I got lots of positive feedback from people. I look forward to continuing to work with you.</em>"</p>
<p><a href="files/2005-09-25-IMLA Savannah National.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> IMLA Savannah National</a></p>
<p><a href="files/2005-04-11-IMLA Mid Year Seminar-Washington DC.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> IMLA Mid Year Seminar-Washington DC</a></p>
<p><a href="files/2003-11-06-City of Miami-Dade Ethics Officer Training-Acknowledgements.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> City of Miami-Dade Ethics Officer Training-Acknowledgements</a><br />
"<em>The City of Jacksonville is fortunate to have you, a nationally renowned expert in local government ethics programs, as their Ethics Officer. Again, thank you for generously sharing your time and expertise with us.</em>"</p>
<p><a href="files/2003-09-22-NWI Local Government Academy - Letter from EdC.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> NWI Local Government Academy - Letter from Ed Charbonneau</a><br />
"<em>In Carla, you, and the citizens of Jacksonville have a person with a unique combination of a passion for, knowledge of, and credibitility when speaking on the subject of ethics in local government. Sincerely, Ed Charbonneau<br />
[Then] Executive Director, <a href="" target="_blank">NW Indiana Local Government Academy</a>,<br />
[Now] <a href="" target="_blank">Indiana State Senator for District 5</a></em>"</p>
<p><a href="files/2003-09-07-Email-NWI Times Editor.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> Email from Northwest Indiana Times Editor</a><br />
"<em>I was impressed and inspired by your presentation Friday.It will be our goal to push for and support development of ethics codes throughout the area - and statewide.<br />
You may have heard that seven officials and two private citizens were indicted Friday on public corruption charges. The effort is ongoing but to rid this area of its reputation of corruption, a broad ethics initiative can only help. Thank you.<br />
<strong>Bill Nangle, Executive Editor, The <a href="" target="_blank">TIMES of Northwest Indiana</a></strong></em>"</p>
<p><a href="files/2003-09-06-Article-NWI Times Re-Local Government Academy.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> Article-NWI Times Re-Local Government Academy</a></p>
<p><a href="files/2003-09-05-IN Quality of Life Council Resolution-Purdue University Calumet.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> IN Quality of Life Council Resolution-Purdue University Calumet</a></p>
<p><a href="files/2003-09-05-IN Quality of Life Council Quarterly Meeting-Purdue University Calumet.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> IN Quality of Life Council Quarterly Meeting-Purdue University Calumet</a></p>
<p><a href="files/2002-10-07-International Institute for Public Ethics-Workshop Agenda.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> International Institute for Public Ethics-Workshop Agenda</a></p>
<p><a href="files/2000-06-18-Article-Eve Award-Times Union.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> Article-Eve Award-Times Union</a><br />
"<em>The whole idea here is to raise aspirational goals, to aspire to be honest, to do right for the public. Ethics is more than 'avoid a conflict of interest and don't take gifts from lobbyists.'"<br />
<strong>Richard Mullaney, General Counsel, City of Jacksonville</strong></em></p>
<p><a href="files/2000-04-07-Article-Volunteer Jacksonville Award-Times Union.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" /> Article-Volunteer Jacksonville Award-Times Union</a></p>