In his book Ethics in Congress: From Individual to Institutional Corruption,
Dennis Thompson discusses two tendencies that lead to the
overlooking or obscuring of institutional corruption’s significance.
Those who bring or judge charges tend to individualize misconduct.
This limits the wrongdoing to the individual who is charged,
exonerating other members of the...
Looking at government ethics through the appearance standard, as
Dennis Thompson did in his book Ethics in Congress: From Individual to Institutional Corruption,
reveals the great importance of independence to ethics advice and
enforcement. No one is in a worse position to see appearances of
impropriety than someone who considers his motives to be good, and
This is the second of two posts looking at Kathryn Schulz's excellent book, Being
Adventures in the Margin of Error (2010), as it applies to local government ethics. This post focuses on how to deal...
It's arguable that a bigger problem than unethical conduct in local
government is the way local officials respond to allegations of
government ethics violations. Kathryn Schulz's excellent book, Being
Adventures in...