When is a gift a campaign contribution? This issue has been raised in
the trial of a Manhattan surrogate court judge, according to an
article in yesterday's New York Times.
Do Chinese walls (that is, mechanisms that separate someone from
information or involvement in a matter)
work in conflict situations in government? And what considerations determine whether they work or not?
One consideration is whether, even with the Chinese wall, there is still an
appearance of a conflict. Another consideration is whether the
individual will still have access to the information or still be...
Governors Aren't Always Governors
The involvement of New York governor David Paterson in his aide's
domestic abuse matter gets right to the heart of government ethics.
According to an
article in today's New York Times, Paterson told a state employee
and mutual friend of his and the domestic abuse victim's, “Tell her the
governor wants her to make this go away."