It is a common problem in government ethics to confuse law and ethics.
It is a more unusual problem to confuse law and facts. But this appears
to be a problem in La Crosse (WI; pop. 51,000), according to an
article in yesterday's La Crosse Tribune. But it's not the only
Have you ever wondered how a local government department head can
afford to live like a king on a $100,000 salary?
This is what people are wondering in South Africa, where union leaders are
calling for "lifestyle audits" of all senior government officials in
order to find out who is on the take, according to an
article in today's New York Times. According to...
The Partisanship of Ethics
The first pleasant surprise involves a
blogger (Advance Indiana) who is disgusted with his own party's
unethical conduct in his city/county, Indianapolis/Marion County. A
native of Illinois, he compares it to Chicago, and he notes that his
party took office because of the other party's unethical conduct. In
this era of partisan blogging, it...
now Louisville have come up with ethics reforms in the past week or so. Baltimore's
reforms were disappointing, while Philadelphia's were a big surprise to
everyone, and came with a few serious question marks. Louisville's reforms...