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False Presentation of an Ethics Ordinance - In Jackson County, MO, Of Course

Every time I check up on Jackson County, MO, I find something more
that's shameful, if that word can be used anymore. This time a blog
sent me to <a href="; target="”_blank”">a You
Tube video of the county legislature</a> passing the new ethics
ordinance, which I discussed in <a href="; target="”_blank”">a blog entry earlier this
week</a>. Eight minutes of parliamentary procedure and slapping each
other on the back amounts to one simple fact:  the change in the
law removing its application to members of the county legislature as
well as to county lawyers is not only ignored, but is baldly
The acting chair of the legislature (the chair was not present) as well as what appears to be a county attorney
both say that the ethics ordinance applies to all employees and elected
officials, including the legislature. Although many people in that room
must have known that these men were lying, not one said a word. Except
in praise of themselves.<br>