We Do Not Live by Financial Interests Alone
The tendency of local government ethics codes to limit conflicts to
financial interests is one of my pet peeves. A
current matter in Tacoma shows the downside of this limited definition
of interests that can conflict.<br>
Leadership and Trust as Obstacles to Regional and Merged Services and Governments
There are many obstacles to local governments working together or
merging in order to provide services at lower costs to taxpayers, but
the one that is hardest to put a finger on is the self-interest of
officials. Or at least that's how I read a new report from Wisconsin's <a href="http://www.localgovinstitute.org/" target="”_blank”">Local Government Institute</a>
EC Member Political Activity and the Perception of Fairness
The perceived independence of an ethics commission is extremely
important. This perceived independence has become an issue in Frankfort
(KY), according to <a href="http://www.state-journal.com/news/article/4794079" target="”_blank”">an article in
Tuesday's <i>State-Journal</i></a>.<br>
Local Government Website Transparency Awards
It's been four days since <a href="http://www.sunshineweek.org/" target="”_blank”">Sunshine
Week</a> ended, but it's not too late to point out <a href="http://sunshinereview.org/index.php/Main_Page" target="”_blank”">Sunshine Review</a>'s
New Government Ethics Organization Mischaracterizes the State of Government Ethics, and Acts Politically
Yesterday, my attention was drawn to a new organization called
Foundation for Ethics in Public Service, Inc., which operates as the
website <a href="http://www.reportpubliccorruption.org" target="”_blank”">www.reportpubliccorruption.org</a>.
On February 11, its executive director, Leslie W. Merritt, Jr., a
Revolving Door Provisions in Local Government Ethics Codes
I've been meaning for a long time to take a long second look at the <a href="http://www.cityethics.org/content/full-text-model-ethics-code" target="”_blank”">City
Ethics Model Code</a> provision on the <a href="http://www.cityethics.org/content/full-text-model-ethics-code#0.1_TOC42…; target="”_blank”">revolving
Rhode Island Bill to Give Ethics Commission Back Its Jurisdiction Over Legislators
<b>Update:</b> June 7, 2010 (see below)<br>
There is some very good news out of Rhode Island, even if it is over a
month old. The house majority leader, <a href="http://www.projo.com/news/content/House_Speaker_elected__02-12-10_5HHE4…; target="”_blank”">now
Gifts and Campaign Contributions: A Loophole Story
When is a gift a campaign contribution? This issue has been raised in
the trial of a Manhattan surrogate court judge, according to <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/20/nyregion/20anderson.htm" target="”_blank”">an
article in yesterday's New York <i>Times</i></a>.<br>
An Ethics Commission's Role and Authority: Two Case Studies
Here are two interesting situations where it is not clear what an
ethics commission's role and authority are. One in Baltimore, the other in Philadelphia.<br>
A Matter of Facts or Law in La Crosse
<b>Update:</b> March 29, 2010 (see below)<br>
It is a common problem in government ethics to confuse law and ethics.
It is a more unusual problem to confuse law and facts. But this appears
to be a problem in La Crosse (WI; pop. 51,000), according to <a href="http://www.lacrossetribune.com/news/article_cca5c1ba-3181-11df-a411-001…; target="”_blank”">an