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Model Code

How Much of a Company Must an Official Own Before There Is a Conflict of Interest? - A Story from Missouri

A difficult aspect of government ethics is the percentage of a company
that must be owned by a government official in order for there to be a
conflict of interest. The figure chosen for ethics codes is usually 5%.<br>


Conflicts of Interest

<h3>Areas to check:</h3>
<li>Using office for private gain</li>
<li>using organization resources for personal purposes</li>
<li>soliciting gifts or accepting gifts from persons doing business with the organization</li>
<li>seeking or accepting private compensation for doing one's work (gratuities)</li>
<li>soliciting political contributions or political activity from subordinates</li>


No Conflict Without Profit? - Exasperating Quote of the Day

A former chancellor of Maricopa Community College in Phoenix, Arizona continued to work for the college on contract, while also having a business on the side that did business with the college on a no-bid basis. The business was set up by the college when he was chancellor and was given to him a few months after he retired.


Penalties and Unions

This is the place to discuss negotiating with unions regarding penalties that apply to their municipal employee members. This is a sensitive area, where open discussion could be especially helpful to preventing friction by considering union perspectives and requirements as part of the process of preparating or amending an ethics code.


Application of Code

Some municipalities limit some provisions to certain officials, so that, for instance, employees do not have to go through the same level of annual disclosure as officials do, or only officials and employees dealing with contracts, development, zoning, etc. need file annual disclosure forms. This is the place to discuss different levels of application of an ethics code's provisions to different levels and types of official and employee.


Other Conflicts of Interests

This is the place to discuss additional conflict of interest provisions. Below are some comments added at the end of 100, but there are several more such provisions that can be found in ethics codes. What are your thoughts about and experiences with other conflict provisions? How do you think it is best to deal with city attorney conflicts when those conflicts are not dealt with clearly in their rules of professional conduct?
