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Quote of the Day

<b>“If you hold a tiger by the tail, you have a difficult choice to
make: Do you let go or not? It’s not a good thing to alienate any
legislative leader.”</b><br>
—Richard Runes, lobbyist for Glenwood Management, a large New York
state real estate developer that allegedly gave tax work to a law
firm that then made undisclosed payments to the state's Assembly
Speaker, who had allegedly recommended the law firm. The quote
refers to continuing the use of this law firm, knowing that if it


It's Not Enough to Not Make an Exception

<p>In <a href="…; target="_blank">an article on the deportation of Haitians from the Dominican Republic in yesterday's New York <i>Times</i></a>, a police officer agonizes over the prospect of having to deport his best friend, a Haitian immigrant. “I have no choice,” he is quoted as saying.


Nepotism in Metro Atlanta

Nepotism is a difficult topic to get a hold of. It is the most
generally accepted kind of ethical misconduct, most governments do
not keep records (or, at least, public records) of familial
relationships, and nepotism provisions are rarely enforced. For all
of these reasons, the news media do not give nepotism much coverage.
So in many governments, especially those with poor ethics
environments, nepotism is common.<br>
Kudos go to David Wickert of the Atlanta <i>Journal-Constitution</i>


Decisions Regarding Lobbyists Sitting on Advisory Boards

I believe that the best solution to the problem of having lobbyists and others seeking special
benefits from the government sitting on government
advisory boards is to get rid of these advisory boards.
Conflicts involving these boards are important because, although they are "merely
advisory," their recommendations are often accepted, and their
members are often selected (or seen to be selected) in order to reach a particular
conclusion. The membership of such boards is difficult for well-meaning officials to balance


A One-Way Prohibition on Misuse of Office for Clients

On Monday, Anthony Man of the <i>Sun-Sentinel</i> wrote <a href="…; target="”_blank”">an excellent analysis of the lobbying elements of Florida Senate bill
846</a> (a copy of the bill is attached; see below), which was
recently passed by the senate unanimously.<br>
