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Ethics Environments

"City of Hope," A Great Local Government Ethics Film

<p>I was fortunate today to see an American film focused almost entirely on local government ethics. Although it is an excellent film, it has not been included in City Ethics' (but not my) <a href="; target="_blank">Top Ten Ethics Films</a> list or in any of the comments suggesting additions.

Three Ways of Affecting Ethics in the Government Workplace

Despite the many differences between corporate and government ethics,
sometimes the corporate ethics world has a lot to teach the government
ethics world, especially considering that corporate ethics has a zillion times
the personnel and budget to work with.<br>
One example of this appears in <a href="; target="”_blank”">a

An Excellent Definition of "Corruption," and America's Fall in the Corruption Index

A week ago, Transparency International published its fifteenth annual <a href="…; target="”_blank”">Corruption
Perceptions Index</a>, which scores countries on the basis of a variety
of independent reports on and surveys about corruption, including those
from the World Bank and other development banks, and those surveying

Simultaneous, Political Appointments and the Ethical Culture of an Authority

The <a href="; target="”_blank”">Delaware River Port Authority</a>
(DRPA) has been getting a lot of heat lately. The bi-state organization
operates four toll bridges and a commuter system between
Philadelphia and southern New Jersey.<br>

The Ethics of Teachers and Politicians

According to <a href="; target="”_blank”">an
article in yesterday's New York <i>Times</i></a>, it is coming out that more
teachers and school administrators have been involved in cheating on
the test scores that may not only give them bonuses, but may determine
whether their schools continue to exist. One can argue ad infinitum