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New York City
Population: 7,428,162 (Source: Census of July 1st 1999 - City of NY only)
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About the NYC Conflict of Interest Board
The Conflicts of Interest Board is the ethics board for the City of New York and was created by the 1988 Charter revision as the successor to the former Board of Ethics, which had been in operation since 1959. The Conflicts of Interest Board is the independent, non-mayoral City agency charged with interpreting and enforcing the Conflicts of Interest Law, found in chapter 68 of the New York City Charter, and the City's Financial Disclosure Law, set forth in section 12-110 of the New York City Administrative Code.
The Board is composed of five members appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Council, to staggered six-year terms. A staff of 23, divided into six units, tends to the daily business of the Board. These units are Legal Advice, Training and Education, Enforcement, Financial Disclosure, Management Information Systems, and Administration.
The Board meets once each month to consider cases brought before it and to issue opinions and orders and impose penalties for violation of the Conflicts of Interest Law or Financial Disclosure Law. On a daily basis, staff attorneys provide oral and written legal advice on those laws and prosecute violations. Staff trainers and writers teach City employees about the Conflicts of Interest law. The Financial Disclosure Unit administers the City's Financial Disclosure Law for the 12,000 City employees who file annual financial disclosure forms with the Board.
What is Chapter 68, the City's "Ethics Law"?
The conflicts of interest law was enacted to preserve the public trust, to promote public confidence in government, to protect the integrity of government decision-making, and to enhance government efficiency. It established a basic set of rules regarding, among other things:
- Gifts
- Moonlighting/Part-Time Jobs
- Volunteer Activities
- Post-City Employment
- Use of Confidential Information
- Political Activities
- Use of City Position for Personal Gain
- Ownership Interest in Firms Doing Business with the City
- Relationships Between Employees and Supervisors
Reference Documents for further information
- NYC Conflict of Interest - Plain Language Version
- Visit the NYC Conflict of Interest Board web site at
- Or the official New York City web site at