City of Jacksonville
Great editorial in
The editorial today in the Jacksonville Times-Union is all about the recent legislation designed to improve the structure of the ethics and anti-corruption program for the city of Jacksonville.
Title: <b>City ethics: The right direction</b>
Source URL:…
Jacksonville's Charter Review Commission
The Jacksonville City Council's Sub-Committee on the Charter Review Commission's (which only meets every 10 years) findings met yesterday 07-09-2010 to hear public testimony on any aspects of the CRC's findings. There were about 20 people who spoke, and all but one were there to encourage the committee to implement the Jacksonville Ethics Commissions recommendations regarding inclusion of the Ethics Commission in the city's charter.
<big><big>BY SUSAN COOPER EASTMAN</big><br>
<span>February 3, 2009</span><br>
</big>This cover story is reproduced with permission from Folioweekly
See: <a href=""></a><br>
Carla Miller - Recent lead article in Folio Weekly
<h1>COVER STORY</h1>
<p>Recently Susan Eastman from the Folio Weekly wrote the lead article for that week on Carla's activities in the City of Jacksonville role as Ethics Officer.</p> img.MyImage { border: 1px solid darkblue; margin: 0pt 0pt 1em 1em; padding: 0.25em; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }